Ønsker ALLE et riktig GODT NYTTÅR! – Wishing you ALL a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
…”Build a dream..and the dream will build you…
I’ll do my dreaming with my eyes wide open, and I’ll do my looking back with my eyes closed.”
…A brand new year is soon to come, with both possibilities & challenges; are you ready??
… I am!!
Delicious & healthy home-made marzipan
This recipe gives ca 10 pieces/pellets, and you can easily double it.
50-55 grams almond flour (mandelmel)
60 grams erythritol powder (Sukrinmelis)
1 egg hvite, size L (note: they may vary in size..)
2-3 droplets of almond essence (mandel essens)
3 droplets of “vanilla cream” liquid stevia
A little bit (1 tbs) of yacon sirup
Mix it all together, it is supposed to be a very firm
paste. Make round pieces/pellets, and let the marzipan
“rest” in the fridge for a few hours.
Enjoy! 😀
*Almond flour is fat reduced, low on carbs, and high in
fiber and proteins. So, it is a perfect ingredient in almost
any kind of healthy cakes, muffins and “fitness snacks”.
It can even be added in your oatmeal porridge! Delicious and nutritious. 😀
*If you’ld like the marzipan to have more like a gingersnap taste, just add cinnamon,
a little cardamom, ground ginger and ground cloves.
Buy all the ingredients above at iherb.com, just click on the recipe links, for more info.
You also get a 5 % discount on your first purchase by using this discount code:
(*Til mine kjære Norske lesere: jeg skriver en del på engelsk pga at google translate ofte lager sine “egne”versjoner..)
Her er en ekte JULE-variant av en kjempegod muffinsoppskrift jeg har:
(*kan lages helt glutenfri, ved å velge kun glutenfritt mel: jyttemel, bokhvete, amarant, mandelmel etc.)
3 1/2 dl kulturmelk og/eller yoghurt naturell. (div. typer kesam kan også benyttes)
2 store egg
1 dl rapsolje
2,5 dl sukrin
ca 6 dl mel (mix selv: spelt, bokhvete, havremel, litt mandelmel og gjerne litt Bakepro (se her)
3 strøkne ts bakepulver
en knivsodd himalayasalt (se her)
1-2 ts kanel
0,5 ts ingefær
0,5 ta kardemomme
0,5 nellik (denne er ganske skarp i smaken, så smak deg frem)
0,5 ts vaniljepulver (Se her)
Revet skall av 1 clementin
Bland/pisk godt sammen kulturmelk/yoghurt, egg, olje, clementinskall og sukrin.
Bland det tørre i en annen bolle, og vend så melblandingen inn i eggeblandingen.
Fordel røren i ca 12 store muffinsformer, som fylles 2/3 fulle.
Stekes nest nederst i bakerovnen, på 170 grader, 25-30 min. Bruk en kakepinne for
å se om de er ferdige, må ikke stekes for lenge heller.
Avkjøl litt på en rist, og sprinkle gjerne over over sukrin-melis (les: “snø”..) Enjoy!
Ønsker alle en riktig GOD JUL!
Selv, setter jeg meg på flyet imorgen, for å tilbringe en lenge etterlengtet, rolig, fredfylt Jul på vestlandet.. 😀
..Winter, cold, frost.. Yes, I wish I did not live in Norway right now. There are different reasons why, but this time
it is the feeling of living on the NORTH POLE! But at the same time, it is beautiful… Say no more.. And soon, it is Christmas 😀
Anyway, nothing stops me when it comes to my passion: training, improving my self, striving for “perfection”..
I am so glad that I have this great interest, this passion, this “everything”.. because nobody can take IT away from me.
That is a good feeling really, a great strenght, and a security for ME! When I train, I am accompanied by ME, and I am both
“good company” and the worst critic.. believe me.. it is a reason that I “made it” and became both European AND Overall World
Champion! It was not just a coincidence, or a “lucky strike”..
I have spent years in the gym, working on my physique, improving it, towards an “ideal” appearance..
(“ideal” appearance..well that is of course a relative term, but you get my point?..)
But, it all takes more than “just” the physical strenght.. You need to have the right mindset. I have worked a lot on this
too; the ability to always see opportunities instead of obstacles.. Always to consider the positive sides of things (life),
although it all seems to be “dark as a pit”.. Well, Life is not fair, no way, but you can choose only to focus on the good things..
..And it actually works! This mindset gives me a mental STRENGHT, and a power to just work hard, no matter what, because it
will pay off, eventually! I simply choose to “ignore” negative vibes, negative “energy”, negative “people”, which can be
referred to as “energy thieves” in our environment. Dont let “them” get to you. Take a “talk to the hand” approach, and
just focus on doing what is neccessary to achieve your goal! You will get there, but it takes an effort. You need to want it!
Believe in yourself, and have faith! That is the real strength in life!
I have now tested my (physical) strenght in a selection of exercises. But, since I train by my self, I have not been
able to test my One-rep Max, which of course would have given me higher numbers.. (By the way, max strenght has never
been the primary goal for my training. For me, the goal was always “shaping” my body towards the proper (bodyfitness/figure)
size, which is great symmetry, and a well proportioned physique with just the right amount of muscle definitions. )
I therefore did as many as I could do with these weights:
Barbell full squat: 90 kg (198,5 lb) x 5
Smith split squat: 60 kg (132 lb) x 8 (on each leg)
Barbell Bench Press: 60 kg (132 lb) x 4 (2 sets)
Dumbbell incline bench press: 44 kg (97 lb) x 8
Dumbbell Shoulder press: 40 kg (88,2 lb) x 5
Cable pull down: 50 kg (110 lb) x 8
Chin up’s (pronated grip): 8 reps
Push Ups (no knees in the ground!): 50
*When it comes to dead lifts, I choose not to do that exercise very much. The reason is that I want to keep a slim waistline,
and that particular exercise will build some muscle in the waistline area.. Simple logic, but the right choice for ME 😎
This is the result (yammi! ), when I for the very first time made my own 100% home-made sushi & maki.
I went and bought all the necessary ingredients, and actually had a really good time by my kitchen unit.I enjoy
cooking, so when I have the time, I try out new healthy recipes, or try making something new.
..Say no more! It tasted just as delicious as it looks! .. And YES, I will definately make some more, very soon!
Now, I do not have to go out to get my favorite dish, which is a great advantage considering the fact that living
in Norway at the moment, REALLY feels like living on the North Pole..
Wishing everybody a nice Weekend!
Kindest regards/
…høstens kolleksjon av Better Bodies treningstøy!! Se her:
Selv har jeg alle tre variantene av Baggy Soft Pant + Soft Box toppene! De buksene er MEGET gode!!
……………….Løp & kjøp!
Norwegian Fitness & Better Bodies
Jeg har nå signert ny kontrakt for Norwegian Fitness/Better Bodies for året 2011!
Det er jeg veldig glad for, og jeg ser frem til å fortsette videre som deres ambassadør. 😀
Better Bodies har meget gode, og ikke minst STILIGE treningsklær, med perfekt passform!
Anbefaler ALLE å prøve ut Better Bodies! Sjekk utvalget på www.betterbodies.se
Norwegian Fitness AS har i tillegg til Better Bodies en rekke andre bra produkter fra:
Nanox, Vitargo, Strenght og Harbinger. Se mer info om de produktene her
Se også min oppdaterte Better Bodies Athlete Team Profile: Foto Jon A. Klasbu. www.kdesign.com
Følg meg videre for mer nyheter i tiden som kommer!
Mvh Nina.